Mister Cash / Bancontact


How does online payment with Mistercash work?

The online payment with Mistercash has as largest advantage that the payments are very secure. It is also very easy and it works very fast. Mistercash is a payment method for all habitants of Belgium. You must be affiliated by one of the following banks. 

  • KBC
  • Dexia bank
  • Fortis bank
  • AXA bank
  • CBC
  • ING bank
  • VDK Spaarbank

If you do internet banking at one of these banks, you can therefore use Mister Cash to pay. So what you need for a payment are the number of the card and the expiration date. Modelbouw Shop Nederland takes you to your own online bank. Hereby the login details of your internet banking are needed to continue. After completing and confirming this information you will arrive at the payment page of your own bank. You can then check the amount and complete it. After your confirmation, the amount is immediately transferred to the beneficiary and it is immediately debited from your account.

Mistercash is very popular in Belgium

Mistercash is a very popular paying method in Belgium. So you can use it to pay for internet transactions quickly, easily and most of all very securely. The safety when using this card is very high. All payments are processed via the payment page of your online bank. The banks have very strict security systems for this and these cannot be intercepted by fraudsters. It is also possible to pay with this card at gas stations, drink or other vending machines but also at various stores. Of course you can also withdraw cash at the cash machines with Mister Cash. For these payments you do need your PIN code. For the use of Mister Cash you pay no extra costs for payments and it is also not necessary to take out a special subscription to obtain this card. You also keep a good overview of your payments because all transactions are processed within a few seconds and can be seen immediately on your bank statement. So you know exactly what you have paid with Mister Cash and you will not be faced with unpleasant surprises.

Betaal opties / Payment options


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