How can I order?

How can you order from Modelbouw Shop Nederland?

Via our shop or via an email. Ordering through the web store is the easiest and also the fastest way.

In the menu left on this page you find the diversal groups of products. Are you looking for a specific part, top right will you find a search bar for specific searches. The shopping cart with the numbers of articles specified and the total amount spent would you find top right in the bar. 

You receives directly after your order order confirmation annex invoice in your mailbox to control your order and adress data. On the basis of this invoice you can make your payment.  If you order through an email, you should note the numbers of articles and the article numbers on a note and then you can sent them in an email. Of course will you receive an order confirmation annex invoice. The delivery time of the most of the orders is aaround ten workdays after receiving your payment. An exception are the products that we have in stock as well gift certificates and ship hulls. You will always be informed when your payment is received and when your products are sent. 

Please note!!! Minimum size of an order is €10,- (to products exlusive shipping costs)

After you have done your shopping online; Steps to complete your order:
4 - PAY


After sending your order you receive directly an invoice / order confirmation in your mailbox, with the ordered products, the ordered numbers and the amount that you must transfer. Paying through Ideal is an option for our customers, only which are from the Netherlands. Paying through PayPal is an option too for customer, which are from the Netherlands, but for foreign customers too. If you want to pay through PayPal, you must  write it in your order in the field 'comments'. You will receive a payment request of our in 48 hours. 

We hope you enjoy our web store and welcome you willingly as customer.

Betaal opties / Payment options


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